Deliverable 2.2

Deliverable 2.2

📊 Preferential Trade Agreements (hashtagPTAs) play a crucial role in fostering economic cooperation among nations. Over time, PTAs have evolved beyond tariff reductions, encompassing diverse policy areas such as environment, labor rights, investments, intellectual property rights, and migration. The European Union (EU), in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (hashtagSDGs), strategically deploys trade policies to promote sustainability, reflecting its commitment to social, consumer, and environmental standards. As part of Task 2.2, Trade4SD conducted value chain analyses for strategic products—cocoa, coffee, and olive oil—in Ghana, Vietnam, and Tunisia, respectively. These countries, each with unique trade agreements with the EU, offer valuable insights into the integration of SDGs in trade dynamics.

🔍 The synthesis report encapsulates key differences, primary outcomes, lessons learned, and policy recommendations emerging from the case studies. By examining structural variations in the case studies and distilling valuable insights, the report provides evidence-based policy recommendations for the ongoing and future negotiations of the EU.

đź‘Ą Contributors: Federica Demaria, Federica Morandi, Raffaele D’Annolfo, Maria Rosaria Pupo D’Andrea, Riccardo Passero, Roberto Henke – CREA Ricerca

đź“š Deliverable 2.2:

hashtagTrade4SD hashtagSustainableDevelopment hashtagTradePolicies hashtagSDGs hashtagEUTradeAgreements hashtagValueChainAnalysis hashtagGlobalSustainability 🌱🌍✨

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